Wednesday, June 15, 2016


I have found that ESPN has done some interesting work in its ten hour five-part series on OJ Simpson.  It has done a good job detailing OJ's rise to fame and the development of the antagonism between the LA police and the Black community in Los Angeles.  And did you notice where Nicole came onto the screen dribbling a basketball. She was strong, athletic, and in physical control. Nothing meek and mild about her in that scene.
But the series is making the same mistake all the other specials have made, talking only with friends, police, and reporters who are in essence testifying with hindsight without being cross examined by an advocate for OJ. Of course that makes OJ look bad. He may have been bad but we are getting no relief from the drumbeat about spouse abuse from only Nicole's side, with OJ's being dismissed completely.
At least that is what I have seen in the first two installments. I will comment further if I have anything to add.