Poor President Trump. His friend Vladimir Putin urged him in a phone call in June to "dominate the streets" when the Black Lives Matter demonstrations got too close to the White House and the Secret Service rushed Trump into the bunker downstairs just in case. So, Trump ordered a fully armed military unit to Washington along with miscellaneous other federal police groups. The soldiers came with bayonets but did not bring them onto the streets.
Putin had used Russian troops in Ukraine but they wore no identification. They just took over Crimea and eastern Ukraine. So Trump saw to it that the enforcers he brought to Washington also had no ID. Trump got his photo op at St. John's Church across the street.
He now plans to send unmarked troops to eleven major cities, all run by Democrats. He is ignoring the 130 other cities that have had BLM demonstrations every night since George Floyd died.
Portland, OR, was the first foray outside the Capitol for Trump to use what are now being called "little green men." They faced off with peaceful demonstrators around a federal building full of graphiti. They "dominated the street" with tear gas and grabbed people off the street and drove them away in unmarked cars. The next night, a retired Navy seal, confronted the feds. At 6' 7" he towered over them. He asked them if they believed in the oath they took to defend the Constitution so they tried to knock him down with batons and when that didn't work, they broke his arm and pepper-sprayed him in the face.
The next night, women came out and formed an arm-linked line between the protesters (their kids) and the soldiers. Tear gas. So the following night, Trump's little green men were met by "Dads with Leaf Blowers."
Poor President Trump still hasn't got the video footage he wants for his political ads so he is sending more of his little green men to Chicago. I wonder what folks there have up their sleeves.
Update: Upon counting words, the above had to be edited down. I did the best I could and gave the last ten or so words to be done by the newspaper. It took a few days but they finally published my letter to the editor within the word limit on August 5.