Monday, August 20, 2007

The active duty soldiers' op-ed

I just tried to post a comment on THE HORSE'S MOUTH blog in response to the report that the Main Stream Media have given no attention to the recent op-ed piece by active duty soldiers about how the Iraq war is really going, as compared to the wall to wall coverage of the O'Hanlon, et al folks who took the military's trip around Iraq and spoke to those chosen by the military.

Unfortunately, the blog said the comment it let me write was not accepted because the blog was not accepting comments!

So, all glitches aside, let me post my comment here:

All too often, the messengers of unwelcome news are attacked. I am cynical enough to think that the more attention those troops get for their forthright statement, the more likely it is they will be treated the way Uriah the Hittite was treated by King David - put at the front of the battle line . . . .

O'Hanlon et al are home safe. Those boys are still in danger.

If I were a front-running Dem, I'd be on the phones with the news media to pressure them to report the op-ed piece by the soldiers, especially in light of the media's plugging the Bush Administration line so much. But I'd ask they refrain from identifying the soldiers themselves to protect them from retaliation.

1 comment:

DeeatCaz said...

Just yesterday they were discussing an article in the Wall Street Journal written by military personnel in Iraq, questioning our effectiveness there. They were talking about it on Hardball. So someone is printing their frustrations for others to read. Maybe there is hope after all.